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Are your agency’s insured protected from marine pollution risks?

Interview With Marine Pollution Expert Justin Mongello

Justin Mongello is the President and CEO of Water Quality Insurance Syndicate (WQIS). It is the largest underwriter of pollution liability insurance for marinas and vessels in the United States.

What do agents need to educate clients about this type of coverage?
We find that the first and well-deserved pollution concern for marina and vessel operators is fire and property damage to customers’ boats under their care. In addition, they may have their vessels in the marina.

It can be an afterthought if they haven’t had a pollution incident yet, but a fuel spill can be a very significant exposure. Operators need to be able to respond quickly to keep the water clean. The key to handling any discharge is response time and getting somebody on the spot as soon as possible.

In our full interview, Justin discusses how agents can help their clients address marina and vessel pollution liability issues.

An Interview With Pollution Insurance Expert Dave Quinn – The Sales Opportunity for Agents

In this interview, NAESIP CEO Dave Quinn discusses how agents can add pollution insurance to their book of business to a wide range of clients.

Do you think most agents recognize the sales opportunity for pollution insurance?

NAESIP specializes in pollution insurance, and part of our process
is to educate agents about the sales opportunity pollution insurance offers. Most general liability policies today have an absolute pollution exclusion. But, many non-environmental businesses have a pollution risk that often is not covered properly.

Can you have a cyber and pollution claim?

Insurance agents who want to expand coverage offerings are recommending cyber to their clients. With media attention on cyberattacks, agents and their clients are very aware of the need to protect their businesses. Most people don’t link cyberattacks with pollution events, but hacking-related pollution incidents are on the rise.

Do you want to be a “trusted insurance advisor” to your clients?

Trusted advisors have long term, stable books of business. Insureds see value in a consultative relationship especially when faced with difficult choices about coverage.  In this interview with industry veteran Joe Hatch, we discuss how focusing on workers compensation and pollution insurance makes you stand out from your competition and be seen as a trusted advisor for all lines of business.

Pollution For Auto Garages, Break and Tire centers, Oil Change Places, Auto Dealerships, Collision Centers, Car Washes

Let us help you write a pollution policy for auto garage exposures.  We have an exclusive program designed for auto garages and a proprietary rating system that makes the process quick and easy.  Interested in learning more write back to me as we have some limited openings for new agents in a select number of states.  Thank you!

NAESIP’s Pollution Coverage is Built for each Developer

NAESIP pollution liability for developers provides coverage that is built for the business situation of the client. This makes it different than standard contractor pollution policies.

NAESIP’s developer pollution coverage includes sites that are: owned, leased, or occupied by the insured. The insuring agreement includes anything emanating from, on-top of, at, or underneath the locations scheduled onto the policy.

Contractor policies do not cover sites that are owned, leased, or rented, and the agreement strictly includes places where the insured does their work. NAESIP can also add a number of endorsements to cover transit pollution away from the site and waste streams that may be taken to non-owned disposal sites.

Some sites, like office buildings, have innocuous exposures. Exposures could increase in locations with a shopping center with a dry cleaning business or a manufacturer that uses chemicals. Site history is important to consider.

For example, a pristine apartment complex may appear to have limited exposure, but what if it is built on top of a landfill that could present vapor issues at a later date?

This is why NAESIP tailors site policies to each client and their exposure.

Click here to read more about how NAESIP helps agents increase their book of business 

Why should you get pollution insurance from NAESIP instead of other wholesalers?

The most important thing to NAESIP is our relationship with our retail agents. NAESIP invests in our agent relationships to produce unique pollution insurance offerings to the marketplace that are better than what it currently available.

NAESIP also has direct relationships with the majority of our carriers. We focus on creating “exclusive” pollution insurance products such as master policies for certain industries instead of creating “exclusive” markets.

NAESIP writes for a large number of different groups that need pollution coverage. For example, we have an exclusive risk group in 11 states for clients that work in the auto service sector, including dealerships, body shops and car washes.

NAESIP responds to the needs of its agents. We are currently developing another pollution insurance product for home inspection companies in conjunction with a retail agent and his 1,000-member association client.

Click here to read more about how NAESIP

helps agents increase their book of business 

Municipalities and School Districts have Pollution Exposures…get Public Entities Pollution Insurance from NAESIP

Municipalities and school districts have significant exposures requiring pollution insurance just as commercial and industrial enterprises do. Lack of public entity pollution insurance can lead to significant financial liabilities.

Public entity environmental risks underground storage tanks, landfills, maintenance garages, storage facilities, and more.

Public Entity Premises Pollution Liability (PPL) covers pollution emanating from locations owned or leased by the public entity. These locations include:

  • landfills
  • maintenance garages
  • hospitals
  • schools
  • offices
  • parks
  • golf courses
  • wastewater treatment plants

Public Entity Contractors Pollution Liability covers pollution events conducted by or for the public entity. It provides coverage that most General Liability policies do not.

Click here to read more about

Public Entities Pollution Insurance

View our Public Entities Video here:

NAESIP’s Marina Pollution Program – An Underserved Niche Opportunity

Marinas are an industry that is currently underserved by pollution insurance, and NAESIP aims to fill that gap in the market.

NAESIP’s marina pollution insurance program is designed for facilities that work on boats, clean boats and have above or below ground storage tanks.

Coverage is far-reaching and includes:

  • on-site and off-site clean-up and testing
  • bodily injury and property damage to third parties
  • first and third party transit pollution
  • automatic above ground tank coverage
  • underground storage tank coverage (by separate application)
  • natural resource damages
  • contractors pollution liability
  • non-owned disposal sites

Our insurance company is an A Rated carrier by AM Best. Limits start at $1,000,000 with a $5,000 deductible. Broad language includes blanket coverage for: additional insured, additional insured completed ops, primary & non-contributory, and waiver of subrogation.

NAESIP’s goal is to create pollution policies for marina facilities and provide consultative pollution services to help our agents sell.

Read an article about Marine insurance

Exclusive Automobile Service Center Pollution Program – 65% Quote to Bind Ratio

NAESIP’s “exclusive” auto service center pollution program is a master policy designed for garage operations where vehicles and equipment get serviced. The kind of accounts we like to write are: garages, collision centers, body shops, car washes, equipment dealers, new and used auto dealerships and oil change places like Jiffy Lubes.

We are currently running with a 65% quote to bind ratio.  This is a very comprehensive, extremely competitively priced product on admitted paper. It’s a great door opener for your producer or a great way to round out existing accounts or just protect your E&O.  (Be sure to document the file if the insured decides not to take the coverage.)

The plan automatically covers above ground storage tanks, and underground tanks can be underwritten separately as well. To learn more click here