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Dry Cleaners Pollution

NAESIP makes pollution insurance easy!
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908-256-6576 or email submissions to

Dry Cleaners Pollution Insurance

NAESIP provides coverage for losses from a release of dry cleaning solvent from a dry cleaning machine or solvent storage container. The policy provides coverage for on-site and off-site third party bodily injury and property damage, including on-site and off-site cleanup costs, and third party diminution of property values.

Cleanup costs for a dry cleaning site can be very high – and that is not including potential legal fees. The cause for these high cleanup costs is that the solvent used by dry cleaners is classified as “environmentally hazardous.” 

Many small family run dry cleaners have the misconception that they don’t need pollution insurance – or they are concerned about the cost. Given the potential liability they likely can’t afford not to have it. Pollution liability claims can involve property damage and bodily injury. Many landlords now require pollution coverage.

If you have a dry cleaning business as a client or a prospect, NAESIP can help you review the existing coverage to be sure they have what they need. 

To learn more about dry cleaners pollution insurance coverage, contact Dave Quinn at 908-256-6576 or

The Pollution & Environmental Insurance Experts

Contact us to find out how NAESIP makes pollution insurance easy.