Pollution Policy Categories
Policy Categories for Pollution & Environmental Insurance
Site Specific Pollution Insurance
Pollution Legal Liability (PLL) and Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL)
A site specific policy is for business owners or organizations that occupy a specific location they own or lease. Site specific exposure policies are Pollution Legal Liability (PLL) and Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL)
A site specific policy covers anything emanating from, on top of, or underneath a specific location. Typical insureds could include service stations, garages, manufacturers, schools or universities, metal work, and recycling facilities.
Many times a General Liability (GL) policy will not cover environmental issues. If contamination gets into soil or substances such as chlorine clouds enter the atmosphere at a business site and affects the neighborhood, GL coverage claims may be denied. Companies with this potential liability need site specific PLL or EIL coverage.
Job Site Pollution Insurance – Contractor Pollution Liability
NAESIP writes Contractors Pollution Liability (CPL) for environmental and non-environmental contractors with environmental exposures. This is also known as “Job Site” coverage.
Most CPL policies only insure a contractor at a job site and not at a site that is owned, rented or occupied by the insured. The types of contractors can vary greatly. For many businesses, general liability coverage is not enough if the materials the company is using can potentially pollute the work site or job site.
You do not have to be an environmental contractor to have a pollution exposure.
Non-Environmental businesses may work with environmental issues but may still have environmental exposures.Widely accepted statistics are that one of 20 businesses that fall into this category actually need to purchase environmental insurance.
NAESIP also writes Owners, Contractor Protective (OCP). We use OCP in conjunction with a site or job site program where the owner needs another level of liability coverage.
Storage Tank Pollution Coverage
NAESIP insures aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks such as for service stations or convenience stores. Most General Liability coverage typically has an exclusion if pollution emanates from a storage tank.
NAESIP helps identify the correct coverage for the insured’s workplace. In some cases many PLL or EIL site policies can include coverage for aboveground tanks, or an insured may not want job site coverage but needs to cover tanks.
Underground tank coverage is reasonably priced – especially when you consider the high cost of a cleanup operation, which could be as high as 0,000 in some cases.
Hazardous Transportation/Hazmat Trucking Pollution Insurance
NAESIP provides insurance coverage for hazardous material or hazardous waste transporters, including pollution coverage. We have the expertise to understand the risks and coverage requirements of this highly regulated industry.
Products Pollution Coverage
Products pollution is for companies that make, sell, or market products that can cause an environmental issue if they fail. Examples can include a tank manufacturer whose product leaks, a chemical company whose product causes contaminate while being used by a customer, or a household products company whose product is not childproofed properly.
Products pollution is a growing area for agents. NAESIP can be your source for pollution coverage, and you can place property, inland marine, auto, and workers’ comp through your preferred sources.
Learn more about NAESIP
To learn more about NAESIP pollution insurance coverage,
contact Dave Quinn at 908-256-6576 or dquinn@naesip.com.
For submissions, email new@naesip.com